Q&A With Bill Barclay

Picture By Anthony Radek

Member of Voices Exchange

By Anthony Radek


What is your title at Voices Exchange

I am a member of the board, and the supervisor of
our intern...when we get one.

How did you get started with Voices Exchange

I got started as a member of OPCJ(Oak Park Coalition for Truth and Justice), Voices Exchange existed already got developed from this group, so I joined that also.

The supporting groups got started after 9/11, how old is Voices Exchange

Well, sometime in late 2003; the concept was developed from OPCTJ, but this was just as a function. As an entity, it has existed well over a year.

When was the first time you participated in a political rally

When I was in my 20s, this was in the rally 1960s. There was a speaker ban law at the University of North Carolina. The law said that anyone who has been a member of the Communist party, or has pleaded the 5th Amendment couldn't speak at a publicly funded campus. We invited two people, who eventually went to court, and in time the law was overturned.

Do you feel the American public of today are more awake or asleep
to what is going on in society compared to the American public of the 60s

Probably less aware now; [there] are many people who are aware of what is going on], but on a whole less aware now. This war isn't as prominent in the paper, and there isn't a moment as big as the Civil Rights Movement going on now [to put it in the media].

What is one small thing everyone can do to become more involved in politics

You can go to various political sites on the Internet, they often ask you to contact or write a letter.
moveon.org, kos.org

Who would you rather have as president, George Bush Senior or George W.?

George Bush Senior, I think he was less willing to ignore the wishes of the world, and the wishes of the people.

Why do YOU believe we are fighting in Iraq

Ultimately it's about oil in a global economic political sense. We are looking to control a region that has that energy, and we are looking to control it.

Is Chicago more Democratic or Republican?

The city is Democratic while the suburbs seem to be more Republican, but that's starting to change.

Guess for the future....Oil, War, World Relations.....Do you think they are going to get better or worse

We're going to go through a difficult time, but in a decade or so I think they are going to improve. Industrialized countries will figure out we need a new source of energy.