Same Passion, New Struggle:

Meet Tina Hernandez

By Kwame Johnson

In a day and age when mass media often tells people w hat to think, Voices-Exchange, an independent Chicago- based organization, provides a realistic alternative. It specialzes in showcasing speakers that oppose the super structure's agenda setting -- an unusual missi
Read more about the immigrants who are victims of vigilante violence at the U.S.-Mexico border and what Congress is doing to adress the issue.
on in today's society. The importance of this group's actions is invaluable, especially for youth who already are conditioned to have certain beliefs. Tina Hernandez, repsonsible until recently for recruiting and organizing the speakers, left her full-time post at Voices-Exchange for a new position with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrants and Refugee Rights, but she still remembers her job fondly and believes in the ongoing mission of the organization, even from her new post.  

What were your main responsibilities at Voices-Exchange?

TH: I tried to get the speakers and performers to confirm. The organization had an idea to get a resource of progressive performers and speakers. I took their vision and made it more concrete. I also went out and actually attempted to recruit the speakers.

Sounds like you had a lot to juggle.

TH: Well...actually it was. I had to look for groups to host the events; a place for the speakers ot share their views and have an impact.

How long did you work for Voices Exchange?

TH: I worked from October 2004 until April 2005.

What was your major in college? Did that influence what you've done with Voices-Exchange, as well as what you currently do?

TH: I was Women's Gender Major and that most certainly had an impact on what I've done. For instance, the way the media portrays and affects women is mainly negative. This encouraged me to help Voices-Exchange reach out to independent media. I would also say my major has had the most impact on what I currently do, which is working for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrants and Refugee Rights. We have many women refugees, which allows me to use my special interest to benefit them.

What exactly do you do for the organization?

TH: I do everything communications related, which means I work with the media. I also maintain our website and I train many of our undocumented participants how to speak publically...Oh yeah..I also do fundraising for the organization through grant writing.

What can you say you learned, while working with Voices Excange?

TH: I learned alot about the non- profit world, as well as the dynamics of interacting with powerful people.


What was the most memorable event you've had at Voices Exchange or with the ICIRR?

TH: Well, within just a short period of time with this new organization I went to a motavational speech, which was a fundraiser for Congressional Rep, for Disctrict 9, Jan Schakwowsky. It was kind of funny because Jane Fonda was there, too. When I was with Voices-Exchange, the most memorable event was a meeting devoted to women in politics. It inspired me to get more politically invloved.

What is an issue that is prevalent in our society today but is not covered by the mainstream media?

TH: A huge issue is something that our media normally doesn't talk about, and that is how vigilantes take it into their own power to try regulate immigration. These people are known as Minute Men, and they terrorize undocumented people.

What solution is being proposed right now to stop them?

TH: I'm glad you asked that. A bill is being worked on called the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill, which is a thororugh solution for this grave problem. Two Senators created this bill: McCain and Kennedy, as well as Congressman Guitierrez. It will be proposed shortly, so look out for it.

How could a person show support the legislation?

TH: You should go to our Web site: There you can follow the prompts and click your support. This is really important because racism affects how we regard this issue. People have ignorant views on immigrants because of this terrible social problem (racism). But in all actuality, immigrants could be a great addition to our economy. They pay taxes and they're merely looking for social equality. This is somethng we all need to fight for.